Industry Season 3 Episode 1, titled “Il Mattino Ha Loro in Boca,” opens a new chapter in the high-stakes world of finance. The title, which translates to “There is gold in the mouth of the morning,” reflects the early-morning mentality that dominates the harsh environment of the finance industry. Directed by Ed Lilley, the episode takes us back to Pierpoint & Co., where ambition, loyalty, and survival are in constant conflict.
The episode starts with Yasmine Kara-Hanani played by Marissa Abella at a party on her father Charles Hanani’s (Adam Levy) yacht. Once a publishing tycoon Charles Hanani is now facing charges of embezzlement with the scandal going to the earlier decades. The relationship between Yasmine and her father is already terrible, but when she sees him sex position with a pregnant female employee in the guest room.
Six weeks later, Harper Stern (played by Mylah Harold) returns to Pierpoint after a tumultuous period, where she meets a new employee, Sweetpea Golightly (Miriam Petchey), who is fascinated by the media sensation surrounding Yasmin’s family scandal. Her re-entry into the firm is a stressful environment.
At the same time, Eric Tao (Ken Leung), recently promoted to partner at Pierpoint, faces pressure from higher-ups to prove his managerial skills. While others in the firm, Pierpoint, contemplate letting Yasmin Kara-Hanani go because of her bad press coverage and inefficiency in her job. However, Kenny Kilbane (Connor MacNeill), who has become a supportive figure to Yasmin, argues to keep her on the team.The team at Pierpoint focuses on taking Lumi, a green energy company, public through an IPO (initial public offering). However, the IPO is fraught with difficulties.
Robert Spearing, who is working closely with Lumi’s CEO, Sir Henry Mock (played by Kit Harington), is dealing with the CEO’s erratic behavior and the revelation that Lumi’s financial reports have been manipulated. This led to a major investor pulling out just before the IPO, creating a crisis for both Lumi and Pierpoint.
In his personal life, Robert Spearing (Harry Loty) is doing well. He owns the house where Yasmine is living and is having an affair with Venetia. But he can’t shake the old ways and continues to rendezvous with Nicole Craig (Sarah Parish) who is a business associate who also has a sexually voracious interest in him. The climax occurs when Robert wakes up one morning only to find that Nicole, had died during the night, most probably due to a stroke. He is full of sorrow but cannot account for what went down, and wonders if he is under a spell.
While currently being a partner at Pierpoint, Eric Tao has a chaotic personal life. His wife has abandoned him and he drinks, goes to work and makes bad decisions that harm him and the company. Eric is doing depressed, and due to his eccentric activity, he decides to fire Kenny and not Yasmine or Robert.
On the other hand, Harper Stern working with new goal of establishing herself after being fired from Pierpoint. She currently works at FutureDawn, an ESG hedge fund – but she’s an administrator, which is worlds away from the trading desk that she was perfect for. Harper does not want to stay at the bottom and upon hearing about Petra, who is a frustrated partner at FutureDawn, she approaches her with the intention of getting a position in the finance team.
The episode brings to a close with the Lumi IPO, new problems appear immediately. When power lines interfere affecting both Pierpoint and Lumi; Just as the IPO is about to go live, the stock exchange lights go off.
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