Nick Fury has been an enigmatic character throughout his appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), with nothing known about his real past. As he works surreptitiously with Ben Mendelsohn’s Talos to thwart a Skrull invasion, “Secret Invasion” dives deeper into Fury’s persona. As a result of Fury’s past position as the mysterious head of SHIELD and adviser to the Avengers, this spy drama allows Samuel L. Jackson to portray a distinct aspect of the character. In Secret Invasion: Why Nick Fury Doesn’t Wear An Eyepatch. here we go!
In the 1990s-set “Captain Marvel,” the cause of Nick Fury’s eye impairment is eventually made clear. Fury meets Goose, an apparently unremarkable cat while working with Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) to learn more about Dr. Wendy Lawson (Mar-Vell). Goose is subsequently identified as a Flerken, an alien creature that can project tentacles from its mouth and carry stuff in its stomach in a pocket dimension. Despite growing close to Fury, Goose scratches his left eye, making it useless and causing Fury to don the famous eyepatch.
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Throughout his MCU appearances, there have been small variations in the appearance of Fury’s facial scars. In his early roles, such as in “Iron Man,” “Thor,” and “The Avengers,” he had three primary scars across each eye, along with scars that resemble veins around the eyepatch. In “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” his eye is milky white and has more scars under the eyepatch. The three primary strikes, which resemble the scratches caused by Goose’s claws, are still present in “Secret Invasion,” but the projecting scars around Fury’s eyepatch have been removed. In addition, compared to the white in “The Winter Soldier,” his eye is a brighter shade of blue, and the majority of the severe scarring has been gone.
In “Secret Invasion,” Nick Fury chooses not to wear his iconic eyepatch. This decision carries a deeper meaning for the character. Samuel L. Jackson, the actor who portrays Fury, explained in a Vanity Fair interview that the eyepatch was a symbol of the strong and invincible Nick Fury. However, in “Secret Invasion,” Fury finds himself in a vulnerable position.
After stepping down as the Director of SHIELD, Fury is confronted with a massive threat that requires him to navigate dangerous situations on Earth. By leaving behind the eyepatch, Fury symbolically sheds his previous image of strength and invincibility. It signifies a shift in his character, as he acknowledges his vulnerabilities and weaknesses. “Secret Invasion” aims to delve deeper into Fury’s character, focusing on his vulnerability and emotional journey rather than relying on flashy superhero crossovers.
The lack of an eyepatch serves as a reminder of Fury’s current condition, but it also hints that his perseverance and vigor may someday return. The teaser for the upcoming movie “The Marvels,” which alludes to Nick Fury’s eventual return to a position of power and influence, suggests that further information about the future of Nick Fury’s character will likely be revealed.