Yellowstone Season 4 Episode 9 Recap – Kayce’s connection to the wolf is spiritual

The most painful word a father can hurl at their child was dumped on Beth in Sunday’s episode of Yellowstone, Season 4‘s penultimate episode. The discomfort just increased from there. Read on to learn not only how, but also about all of the highlights of “No Such Thing as Fair.”

Yellowstone season four episode nine premieres on the Paramount Network with Beth (Kelly Reilly) furious at Rip (Cole Hauser) for allowing her father to walk into a diner full of armed bandits. Rip is getting ready for the day as Beth, who is still in bed, asks for an explanation. Rip informs her that there’s no stopping John when he’s set on doing something, but he did his best to support him, and that’s what kept him safe.

Rip emphasizes that she is unconcerned about him. “I never worry about you, baby.” “I’m sure nothing bad is happening to you,” Beth says. Rip forewarns that something bad will happen at some point.

Yellowstone Season 4 Finale Release Date

John (Kevin Costner) asks if he can ride after Carter (Finn Little) saddles up his horse. When he admits he can’t, John sets out to make things right.

Carter complains that his testicles are being abused after only a few steps, and John explains that he must bounce with the horse. John is patient, and Carter picks things up quickly, but he complains that his legs are hurting and his balls aren’t. In response, John shares a vital life lesson. “Carter, that’s life. “No matter what, something is always getting beaten,” John says.

Carter’s vulgar language does not impress John, who slaps the horse and tells him he’ll ride the foul right out of the boy’s mouth.

They pause for a moment, and John explains that this location is known as Buffalo Valley. His great-grandpa James Dutton told the troops in 1889 that all the buffalo had disappeared because he was afraid they would shoot the remaining herd. James was aware that buffalo still roamed the valley, and that all of the buffalo in the area are descendants of those protected by John’s forefathers.

Carter wonders why the soldiers intended to murder them, and John replies that their tongues and fur were sold to wealthy New Yorkers and French women. Also, the soldiers believed that by killing them, they would be able to eliminate the Native Americans. “Buffaloes now reside on ranches or preserves. “The Indians aren’t much different,” John continues.

It’s not fair, Carter says, and John explains that fair implies one side gets exactly what it wants in a way that the other side can’t complain about. When John says, “There’s no such thing as fair,” he is telling the truth.

When her father asks her to make him coffee at the lodge, Beth throws a cup at his head. She’s enraged that John isn’t looking after himself, and she reminds him that she watched him suffer for 60 days in a coma. She feels he was only looking for a way to die by facing armed robbers. If he’s shot again, she refuses to “wish him back to life.”

Beth screams at her father for putting himself at risk for strangers yet again. If he’s dead, everything they’ve battled for perishes with him. He should have gone away, she believes, but John maintains he’s not built that way. She advises that he be recreated. Beth clearly adores her father, but John is adamant about not changing his ways. He explains that he does what is right in his heart and soul because he is wired that way.

Beth’s rage grows as she removes her top and demands that he examine her scarred back. She wants to know when the man who attempted to murder their family will face justice. It’s clear Beth believes Jamie is to blame for the attack, and she claims John’s fake link to her brother is preventing him from seeking vengeance. “Your child, he burned my skin off and you did nothing!” Beth exclaims.

John finally tells Beth what he’s discovered. He tells her that Terrell Riggins, a Montana Free Militia leader, was the mastermind behind the attack and that Terrell is currently serving a life sentence in jail. John’s explanation suggests that he believes Terrell orchestrated the incident to send a message to rival gang members that he isn’t weak. Terrell is cornered, according to John, and is most likely cowering beneath his bunk, waiting to die.

Beth inquires if he is doing something about it, to which John responds that he is not. He’s not going to waste his life on that racist. Beth storms out, enraged and disappointed that her father will not hold Terrell accountable for the hit.

Following Beth’s departure, John receives a phone call from Summer, who is currently incarcerated. She explains that the District Attorney intends to seek a life sentence for protesting the airport.

The armed thieves at the diner were members of a local militia, according to the news. Sheriff Haskell’s death is highlighted, and the reporter speculates that if John Dutton hadn’t intervened, there would have been many more deaths. She plays a clip from John’s acceptance speech for Governor Perry’s support, claiming that his reference to a battle in progress has the ring of prophecy.

Jamie (Wes Bentley), Garrett (Will Patton), and Christina (Katherine Cunningham) are watching the news, and Jamie is irritated that his father is being referred to as a hero. Jamie should exploit his father’s remarks – that he is the antithesis of development – as a campaign slogan, Christina and Garrett believe. By running on the side of progress, Jamie will not win the votes of ranchers, but he may gain the votes of other critical people in larger cities.

Christina believes that now is the right time to distance herself from John by revealing the world to his biological father. Jamie disagrees, explaining that his father was imprisoned for the murder of his mother. Christina is taken aback when she learns Jamie’s chances would be ruined if his birth certificate is made public. If Jamie wants to have a chance at becoming governor, he’ll need to put some distance between himself and Garrett as soon as possible. Garrett has overheard the discussion and has offered to leave. Jamie isn’t interested in that.

When John arrives at the jail to see Summer, the sheriff on duty greets him with a cordial greeting. Summer’s case is discussed with Commander Bill Ramsey (Rob Kirkland), the interim Sheriff following Haskell’s death, and he discovers she is currently meeting with the public defender. Bill agrees to let John attend the meeting, but first, they must discuss Sheriff Haskell. Bill admits that he wasn’t a fan of Haskell, portraying him as a gambler whose services were available for the highest bidder.

Bill cautions that once he takes over, things will be different.

Summer’s lawyer explains that they will make an example of her because she is an outsider. Summer’s lawyer informs her that the jury will not be made up of her peers, and she would be considered as the adversary. Summer requests a private session with John because the attorney wants to make a deal and plead guilty to fewer charges. Summer is upset that she will be sentenced to 30 years in prison, and John reminds her that she assaulted two police officers. He also tells her that there is plenty of room in jail in Montana.

Summer refuses to apologize when John recommends it. Summer claims that she should never have listened to Beth, and John clearly has no idea what she’s talking about. Summer says that Beth instructed her to slap a cop, and John assures her that he will get her out of this mess. Summer’s lawyer meets with John, who says he’ll speak with the judge, who, it turns out, owes him a favor.

Meanwhile, Thomas Rainwater (Gil Birmingham) and Mo (Mo Brings Plenty) meet with Kayce (Luke Grimes) to discuss the wolf. The majority of the sightings occur when Kayce is with Monica, and Mo claims that the wolf is Kayce’s spirit animal. Kayce’s heart is part wolf, which can be a burden. “He is the most hunted hunter, the most killed killer,” Thomas claims. We’ve evolved with wolves, and they’re very similar to us. Men and wolves have attempted to exterminate one another, and each is thought to exist to control the spread of the other.

Thomas tells Kayce that he’ll have to question the wolf why he’s being protected by a wolf. Kayce acknowledges he doesn’t know how to cry over a vision, and Mo believes he will need to. Mo adds that when he’s ready, he and Monica can teach him. Kayce believes he is now prepared.

When John sits down at a diner’s counter for lunch in town, he observes Garrett in a nearby booth. He recalls the last time he saw Garrett was when the judge handed him a life sentence, and Garrett discusses his 30-year sentence.

He holds John responsible for his incarceration and accuses him of lying throughout the trial. John places the guilt squarely on Garrett’s shoulders, claiming that he reared Jamie with love and respect. He warns Garrett that if he seeks vengeance, he will be exterminated from the face of the earth.

He pays for Garrett’s supper and advises him to savour it because it may be his last.

Before leaving for a week on the road, Jimmy (Jefferson White) spends one last night with Emily (Kathryn Kelly) exploring their relationship. That dialogue, as well as his subsequent behavior at horse competitions, show that he has matured significantly.

Travis (Taylor Sheridan) notices Jimmy complimenting him on his performance in the arena, and Travis concludes Jimmy must be doing well on the 6666 Ranch. Travis acknowledges that the best thing he’s ever done was in a field without an audience when they chat about cowboying and working cows.

When Jimmy learns that Yellowstone is a half-owner of a stunning high-earning horse, he is taken aback. He’s also taken aback by the fact that he’s about to return to Yellowstone. “School’s out, Jimmy,” Travis replies, “and you came out a cowboy.”

Jimmy returns to the 6666, kisses Emily, and announces that he’ll be heading back to Montana. Emily offers that he doesn’t have to leave Texas, but Jimmy explains that he made a promise to John Dutton. Emily understands, but she is clearly heartbroken at the prospect of losing Jimmy at the outset of their new relationship. Before they part ways, she kisses him one more time.

As night sets, John reminds Rip, Beth, and Carter that they will be eating in the large dining room, which is where he prefers to dine. He also reveals that Beth isn’t going to enjoy this meal. Rip instead chooses to take Carter down to the bunkhouse. Rip smiles as she names him “quitter,” and tells her to find him after her ass-whipping.

Beth refuses to sit down, claiming that she would rather fight standing up. She works herself up to the point that John wonders if she’s having a temper tantrum for no cause or if she’s convincing herself that she’s correct. Beth finally takes a seat, and John is ready to get down to business — he’s willing to chuck the table through the wall if necessary. Summer was used by Beth, and John tells her that she is not an enemy. Summer, on the other hand, was handy, and Beth claims she’ll do anything to harm their adversaries. She is just concerned about her family, not about what happens to Summer.

Beth compares Yellowstone to a monarchy, and John says she cares about having morality while battling. “There isn’t any morality here, dad,” says the narrator. None. “You can either keep the kingdom or lose it,” Beth explains. If it doesn’t set well with him, he should go back on his word and sell the house.

If Yellowstone is a kingdom, John claims he has the authority to set the rules. Fight with honor and no unintended consequences. Additionally, they only attack wolves, not sheep. John admits he’s never felt like this before, but she’s disappointed him for the first time. Beth was taken aback when her father said that, and she’s even more taken aback when he suggests fighting the war himself.

When John says it’s time for her to leave the ranch and look for a new place to call home, his words hit her hard. (This talk will create a scar on Beth’s back that is even more painful than the ones she already has.)

Over at 6666, the day had a nicer conclusion. Jimmy returns to Emily’s house and declares his intention to stay. Emily, on the other hand, is adamant that he keep his word. She instructs him to maintain his word but return to her. She promptly agrees to Jimmy’s request to wait for him.

Carter joins the poker game at Yellowstone and declares it to be his first time. The ranch hands believe they’ve been duped when he triples their wager. As Carter demonstrates his abilities, Teeter (Jen Landon) refers to him as a “motherf**king card-sharking little elf,” among other things.

Everyone is having a good time, while Beth stands calmly outside the door, watching. Only Walker (Ryan Bingham) notices her and goes outdoors. She acknowledges that she is upset because she has lost the one thing she has fought for her entire life. Walker softly grabs his guitar and offers to play a sorrowful tune, as she requests. Walker plays “Hallelujah,” a song about a guy who was killed but not ready to go after Beth says she needs music to cry to.

Beth sobs her heart out while the music plays. (Her screams are unbearable.) While sat next to Walker, Rip wanders outside the bunkhouse and watches her cry. Instead of approaching them, he returns inside and shuts the door behind him.

Yellowstone Season 4 Episode 9 Ending

Kayce is ready to bond with the wolf as Season 4 Episode 9 concludes. Mo cautions him about the coyote, stating that the process will take four days and four nights without food or drink. “You must stand on the brink of death to discover your purpose in life,” Mo tells Kayce, who is concerned that he will die.

Monica advises Kayce to pay attention to Mo’s instructions and follow them. Kayce kisses him goodbye and departs for his vision quest with Mo and Thomas. When Kayce is alone in the middle of nowhere, Mo and Thomas advise him on what to do next and warn him that what he will go through will be determined by how hard he prays and how much he suffers.

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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