An American animated sitcom Family Guy returns with its MILESTONE 350th episode titled Stewie’s First Word on September 27, 2020, on FOX.
Reads Family Guy Season 19 Episode 1 synopsis
Stewie finally says his first word, and it’s a swear. When Lois is shunned by the other moms, she tries to figure out where Stewie could have possibly learned it in the all-new “Stewie’s First Word” season premiere and milestone 350th episode of FAMILY GUY airing Sunday, Sept. 27 (9:30-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (FG-1719) (TV-14 D, L, S, V)
Voice Cast: Seth MacFarlane as Peter Griffin, Stewie Griffin, Brian Griffin, Quagmire, and Tom Tucker; Alex Borstein as Lois Griffin; Seth Green as Chris Griffin; Mila Kunis as Meg; Mike Henry as Cleveland Brown; Patrick Warburton as Joe.