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The Good Doctor Season 7 Episode 7: Return Date and What to Expect [Preview]

The Good Doctor 7x07

The Good Doctor fans can’t wait for episode 7 because there are only a few episodes left in the show’s final season. Fans are asking when the show will return after this short break. Fans have to wait a little longer because ‘The Good Doctor’ will return after 3 weeks.  The next episode of The Good Doctor will continue to focus on complicated medical problems and the relationships between people in the hospital. After the stressful events of the last episode,(read the recap below) the doctors are now faced with new problems and moral questions.

The Good Doctor Season 7 Episode 7: What to Expect

Dr. Shaun Murphy (Freddie Highmore) makes a very important choice about how to treat a patient when he suggests that kidney replacement therapy begin. This choice was probably made because the patient’s kidney function is getting worse and needs immediate help to be managed.  At the same time, Dr. Jordan Allen, played by Bria Samoné Henderson, is having a tough time with a patient’s family member. She tells the young girl that the patient’s mother has to stay in the hospital until she gets a kidney transplant.

In this episode, there is also a new character played by Scandal’s Guillermo Díaz, who says he wants to give up his kidney. His strange behavior, like saying he is Jesus Christ because he was born in Nazareth, makes things more difficult. Even though he might be a great donor, Dr. Allen is worried about his mental health and doesn’t think he is fit to donate. The man tells Dr. Jordan Allen that he is sorry for her loss, implying that he can feel her sadness. Dr. Jordan Allen is surprised by this assumption and thinks the man how he knows about the Asher. As the doctors deal with medical and moral problems in the next episode of “The Good Doctor,” a mystery man plot hints at a possible emotional and confusing story.

Watch The Good Doctor S07xE07 Preview

The Good Doctor Season 7 Episode 7 Release Date

The Good Doctor Season 7 Episode 7 will air on ABC at 10:00 PM EDT on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Full episodes of many different shows that have already aired are available to Hulu subscribers. You may watch it on ABC.com or Hulu. The show can be seen on several different VOD platforms. Netflix subscribers located outside of the United States can watch The Good Doctor. Hulu’s Live TV and YouTube TV services allow members to watch live TV online. Streaming in its entirety or separate episodes now on Amazon Prime  Seasons 1–6 are available on video in their entirety.

The Good Doctor Season 7 Episode 6 Recap

The sixth episode of Season 7 of The Good Doctor, called “M.C.E.,” began with a funeral service for Dr. Asher Wolke, played by Noah Galvin, who was killed in an attack that was both anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ+. Dr. Jordan Allen was Asher’s best friend and wrote a moving speech about how brave, kind and unique Asher was. Jordan was upset and angry about Asher’s death and said it was unfair that the racists who killed him were still alive while Asher, who always did what he thought was right, was gone. She had trouble controlling her feelings, which made her act badly toward a patient. Eventually, she realized she had to separate her personal feelings from her work duties.

In the middle of the crisis, Lim chooses Shaun to be the leader because he can keep his cool. Shaun shows that he is a good leader by getting the team organized quickly. Lim has a hard time losing patients, including one who looks a lot like Asher, which makes her doubt her skills. She finds comfort, though, in getting close to a patient while she treats his hurt arm.

Glassman goes back to the operating room (OR) when Shaun asks him to and successfully treats a critically ill patient, giving Shaun a sense of closure and satisfaction. When Charlie helps Shaun in a situation, Shaun changes his mind about her, which makes Charlie drop her complaint against him. Dom has trouble with patients who aren’t critical, but Morgan tells him that he is valuable as a doctor.

At the same time, Asher’s boyfriend Jerome was heartbroken because he was going to ask Asher to marry him the night he was killed. He went to Rabbi Benjamin for support because he felt lost without Asher. Rabbi Benjamin told him to find a place that made him think of Asher. At the end of the show, the St. Bons team got together to remember Asher, and Jerome gave his coworkers gifts that Asher had planned. Shaun talked about how sad he was about Asher’s death and how much he valued Asher as a friend.

Keep checking tvacute.com for more news about The Good Doctor and other popular TV shows, as well as sneak peeks and full episodes.

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