Michigan Teenage Shooter: Where Is Ethan Crumbley Today?

“Sins of the Parents: The Crumbley Trials” came out on Hulu on April 18, just nine days after Jennifer and James Crumbley were found guilty. The documentary, which was made by ABC News Studios, is about the Crumbley family. On November 30, 2021, their son Ethan Crumbley brought a gun to school and killed four students at Oxford High School in Oxford, Michigan. The students who died were Hana St. Juliana (14), Justin Shilling (17), Madisyn Baldwin (17), and Tate Myre (16). At that time, Ethan was 15 years old.

Who are the Crumbleys?

Court records show that Jennifer, 45, worked in marketing for a real estate company, and James, 47, worked for DoorDash. People looked closely at the couple because of how they behaved after the killing. In the hours after the event, they took money out of their son’s bank account, sold their horses, and bought four fake phones. After four days, they were caught with four phones, credit cards, $6,600 in cash, and gift cards.

James and Jennifer Crumbley were charged with four counts of involuntary killing because they were said to have ignored their son’s mental illness and left the gun out in the open at home. Ethan bought a gun from James four days before the shooting. On Instagram, Ethan called it his “new beauty.” After that, Jennifer took him to a range to shoot.

On November 30, 2021, Ethan Crumbley, a teen student at Michigan’s Oxford High School, killed four peers and hurt several others in a tragic school shooting.  The reason why Ethan Crumbley did what he did has been closely looked into and questioned. Reports and court papers say that Ethan had been acting in a strange way before the shooting. He had been caught looking for guns online and making scary pictures at school. His parents were also called to a meeting with school officials to talk about how he behaved the day of the shooting, but they decided not to pull him out of school.

During the trial of his parents, it came out that Ethan had told a friend that he was hearing voices and had asked his father to take him to the doctor, but his father had told him not to worry about it. Prosecutors said Ethan’s parents had ignored his mental health problems and made it easy for him to get the gun that was used in the killing.

Ethan hasn’t given a clear reason for the killing in public. His behavior before the incident, along with evidence given at his parents’ trial, however, point to a mentally unstable child who did not receive any help or intervention from his parents.

Jennifer’s Case

The trial for Jennifer began on January 23. The prosecution said she knew her son was going “downward spiral,” but the “gun was gifted.” She was accused of “willfully disregarding the danger.” Jennifer was called a “hypervigilant” mother who loved her son very much by the defense. There were witnesses, including Brian Meloche, who Jennifer had an affair with. Jennifer used an adult dating site called AdultFriendFinder, which was brought up by the prosecutors.

James’s Case

The trial for James began in early March. Prosecutors said the shooting could have been avoided and was likely to happen because James called 911 on the day of the killing. They said he was ignoring the fact that his son’s mental health was bad. James didn’t say anything in court.

Where Is Ethan Crumbley Today?

Ethan Crumbley is now serving a life term in jail with no hope of parole. Ethan, who is now 17 years old, admitted guilt to multiple charges, including four counts of first-degree murder and one count of terrorism causing death. As a result, he was sentenced in December 2023 to life in prison without the possibility of parole. This means he will remain in prison for the rest of his life without any chance of release. He is currently in the Thumb Correctional Facility in Lapeer, MI. Last month, he allegedly got into a fight with another 17-year-old prisoner there. The sentencing ends a sad chapter in the aftermath of the shooting at Oxford High School. The town and the country are still dealing with the terrible effects of gun violence.

Soon, go back to tvacute.com to find out more about the Crumbley Trials.

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Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilsonhttps://www.tvacute.com/
Olivia Wilson is the senior news writer for TV Acute. She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. She loves binge-watching and can spend hours talking about movies and TV shows. She can immerse herself into a good story no matter the genre or form and only come out from it when she's had her fill. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. You can follow her daily exploits on Twitter and Facebook.

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