Home CBS Tough as Nails Tough as Nails Season 5 Episode 7 Recap: Who Eliminated?

Tough as Nails Season 5 Episode 7 Recap: Who Eliminated?

Tough as Nails Season 5

In The reality TV show Tough as Nails season 5 episode 7, titled “Boom or Bust”, the challenges were divided into three parts: Teams Challenge, Individual Challenge, and Overtime Challenge.

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Teams Challenge: The teams had to build three gabion baskets and fill them with rocks. Gabion baskets are wire cages filled with stones or other materials used for various construction and erosion control purposes. The goal was to construct these baskets and fill them with rocks as quickly as possible. The winning team of the Teams Challenge was the “Savage Crew.”

Individual Challenge: In the Individual Challenge, the contestants had to fill up holes, likely as part of a preparation process for an explosion or controlled demolition. They had to complete this task individually. The winner of the Individual Challenge was “Ben Dempsey.”

Bottom Two: After the Individual Challenge, two contestants, “Paul Hamilton” and “Kenji Ngo,” ended up at the bottom based on their performance. The bottom two contestants are typically at risk of elimination.

Overtime Challenge: In “Tough as Nails,” an Overtime Challenge is usually given to the bottom competitors to give them a chance to avoid elimination. In this episode, the Overtime Challenge required the contestants to fill a hibernaculum. Ultimately, “Paul Hamilton” was eliminated from the competition after the Overtime Challenge.

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