The much-anticipated animated reboot of the classic Terminator series, TERMINATOR ZERO, has just been released by Netflix. The first episode of this new show will air on August 29, which Terminator 2 fans will remember as “Judgment Day,” the day Skynet became self-aware and started a war against humans.
The trailer gives us a glimpse of the storyline with the warning, “The end of the world comes tomorrow.” In this series, a scientist named Malcolm Lee, played by André Holland, is trying to prevent a future disaster.
TERMINATOR ZERO brings a new twist to the Terminator story. The show will feature new characters and is created by Production IG, a well-known Japanese animation studio famous for Ghost in the Shell. This is the first time the Terminator series will be presented as an animated show.
The story happens in two different times:
2022: In the future, humans are battling a massive army of machines.
1997: This is when Skynet first became aware and started its war against humans.
A soldier, voiced by Mizuno, is sent back in time to 1997. Her mission is to protect Malcolm Lee, who is developing a new AI system with Rosario Dawson voicing the AI. This AI could help humans fight against Skynet. Meanwhile, Malcolm faces tough decisions about his creation, all while being hunted by an assassin from the future, which puts him and his family in danger.
Netflix’s Official Summary:
A warrior from a post-apocalyptic future travels to 1997 to protect an AI scientist being hunted by an unfeeling — and indestructible — cyborg
TERMINATOR ZERO is created by Mattson Tomlin, who worked on The Batman II. He is the showrunner and also an executive producer, along with David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, and Don Granger from Skydance. Masashi Kudo is directing the series.
Fans are already excited about how this animated show will reinterpret the classic themes and iconic moments of the Terminator franchise since the official trailer came out.