The CW’s “Devils,” or (Italian”Diavoli”), is a financial thriller show made by Ezio Abbate, Guido Maria Brera, Elena Bucaccio, and Daniele Cesarano. The show was made with help of Barbara Petronio, Mario Ruggeri, and Alessandro Sermoneta. It is a high-stakes thriller set in the world of millionaire money-men. It centers on a dealer by the name of Massimo Ruggero. Massimo is well on his way to becoming the vice-CEO of the New York London Investment Bank when the scene is set in 2011. (NYL). The merchant decides to look into the incidents though after a scandal involving his wife and an escort cost him his much-anticipated promotion. He might find a larger fish than the one he was prepared to fry. The series, which stars Alessandro Borghi, Laia Costa, Kasia Smutniak, and Malachi Kirby, has received praise for its compelling plot. Fans couldn’t help but wonder if Massimo’s story might be true given the numerous real-world incidents depicted or addressed in the series. ( Here is everything you need to know, Is the show totally fictional or was it influenced by actual events? Well, let’s get into more detail about that!
Is Devils a True Story Based Series?
‘Devils’ is inspired in part by a true story. The 2014 novel “I Diavoli” by Guido Maria Brera, which the series is an adaptation of, was in part influenced by actual occurrences. Another thing to keep in mind is that the book offers a lot of autobiographical material, which may be related to the author’s past in the finance sector. He helped found and own minority shares in Kairos Partners, where he is the Chief Investment Officer (CIO) as of August 2022. The financial crisis that engulfed the world in 2007 and 2008 is a loose inspiration for both the book and the television drama. The events and conditions of the time period served as a major source of inspiration for the show.
Noi del collettivo @i_diavoli abbiamo vinto ieri sera il @PremioFlaiano come miglior soggetto di serie per #Diavoli.
Questo prestigioso riconoscimento lo dedichiamo a Sara Melodia, direttrice editoriale di @LuxVide, che non ha potuto vederla finita.— Guido Brera (@GuidoBrera) July 4, 2022
The show also makes reference to a number of actual events, including the controversy involving French economist Strauss-Kahn, the Libyan Civil War, and the PIIGS crisis (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, and Spain). After his suspected involvement in many sexual scandals, Dominique Strauss-Kahn experienced a fall from grace. The veteran lawmaker vehemently denied being involved in the accusations made against him. On May 18, 2011, he was forced to retire as a result of a complaint made by Nafissatou Diallo, a hotel maid. When Diallo apparently acknowledged lying to the jury in the case due to an apparent misinterpretation, Strauss-Kahn was fired. The story is explained in further depth in the 2020 Netflix documentary “Room 2806: The Accusation.”
The battle in Libya between anti-Gaddafi factions and the ruling forces in the country began in 2011 and is referred to as the “Libyan civil war.” The country’s civil war between many groups is still raging as of August 2022. The show draws its inspiration from the global financial crisis of 2007–2008, which was brought on by a number of events that happened over a long period of time. Given the severity of both crises, it is sometimes likened to the Great Depression of 1929. Many nations, including the USA, took action to assist in identifying and resolving the early phases of such an occurrence in order to prevent encountering yet another catastrophe of such proportions. The book by Guido Maria Brera combines actual events with an exciting narrative to give readers a mind-blowing account of deceit and plot. The television adaptation of the book seems to check all the appropriate criteria for a compelling program that hooks viewers.
The novel’s portrayal of how global finance affects people’s daily lives greatly pleased co-director Jan Michelini. He acknowledged that reading the book had opened his eyes to how much he had miscalculated the effect of a financial crisis on the general public. After spending a considerable amount of time working in the fantasy genre, showrunner Nick Hurran acknowledged his desire to portray a human story. It seems that the connection between the world’s financial system and its inhabitants is just what he needs. Despite not being a strictly true story, “Devils” does contain a number of real-life components. The show educates and informs viewers on the functioning of the global financial system through its ingenious plot. The audience is further captured by the dramatic journey that includes several other events outside the financial crisis.