Home Movies 2020 The Eight Hundred China’s ‘The Eight Hundred’ Big Hit in Box Office

China’s ‘The Eight Hundred’ Big Hit in Box Office

China The Eight Hundred

Chinese historical war Movie ‘The Eight Hundred‘ made $40 million on its official opening day, pushing weekend estimation to as high as $200 million.

Directed by and co-written by Guan Hu, follows On August 13, 1937, the Imperial Japanese Army invades Shanghai, Xie Jinyuan, the Lieutenant Colonel of the 524th Regiment of the 88th Division of the National Revolutionary Army, leads more than 400 young officers to guard the Sihang Warehouse.

The Eight Hundred held preview screenings on Friday 14 August, making $2.1 million, then on Monday 17 August and Tuesday 18 August, making about $7.6 million each night for a preview total of $16.8 million.

It starring Oho Ou, Du Chun, Huang Zhizhong, Vision Wei, Wang Qianyuan, Jiang Wu, Zhang Yi, Li Chen, Yu Haoming, and Zheng Kai.

Watch the official trailer ‘The Eight Hundred

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